Monday, April 16, 2012

P.I.T. Episode 11 Section 2

“First, “ Carl says , panting, “ you havn’t been shot my something like this before. 12 different isomers of cyanide coat these little guys, if you breathe, these will stop it, completely illegal, but provided to us, for just this situation. Second, that is called a filter , your not supposed to smoke it past the gold stripe.” His tone is both angry and fearful as he nods his head toward the cigarette.
I look down and see the cigarette burning and melting a bit, still putting off that stench. And suddenly I feel silly, I feel more than silly, I feel dangerous. But not in the way I enjoyed a few weeks ago. I feel like a rabid dog, desperately trying to prove he is still a good pet.  I drop the doc, and sit down. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pit Episode 11 Section 1

So a bit of a preface here.

I have had this done for pretty much ever, besides the last few pages, but i , for the life of me cannot figure out any way this chapter can be chunked up for easy reading, and still retain its flow. So instead of letting everyone think i have given up on the series, i am just shitting it out in a random chunking of ten pages every few days until this section is complete. This is the end of what could be called Act one, this is the big reveal, so trying to find a good place to break it up, just isn't going to happen.

So, while reading, keep in mind, it is meant to be taken as one solid piece of writing, but chunked up for ease of reading, and to be more blog friendly. With that in mind, enjoy, Pit Episode 11 ( section 1.)