Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Skeptic's Local Dealings With The Paranormal

In 2010, I wrote a small essay regarding the reemergence of the parapsychology fad within the media, more so focusing  on its presence in my own town. It continues to be one of my favourite things that I've ever written, though I've been much too lazy to retype it since. The final edition is long lost, leaving only a print out of one of its previous drafts, so I apologize for the various errors and instances of ugly wordplay.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Greengob Noobfang

I've been meaning to keep this character hidden from Risexual, but whatever. I didn't colour in any sort of background, because why bother? I'll update it with one if I think of something that I feel fits.

P.I.T. Fan Art: Mike

So I bought a new scanner, and thus I can start posting new material again. Risexual is always trying to make me do drawings based on his ongoing PIT series, and after two years of requests I finally did something.

Karen's Response To Being Told "I Love You"

Pretty much my Z-Comic series in a nutshell. I'm sorry that I've never really scanned this masterpiece to share with all of you.