Sunday, June 15, 2014

Poaching Bigfoot

A couple of years ago, IndridCold and I began the early stages for a full length documentary about Bigfoot. The twist is that our intention wasn't merely to capture poor footage of it, but to actually hunt it, kill it, partially devour it, and drag its carcass back as proof of its existence. It was one of a few "anti-documentaries" that we had in the works where we already knew in the beginning that we wouldn't find anything. Unfortunately, work and budget restraints got in the way and the project never really took off.

Over the course of this summer, we still have a few deep woods camping trips planned, and during our last outing, I just sort of threw together this footage as something of a pilot for an episodic series about finding Bigfoot throughout different parts of Canada.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fist Of The Dead Star Playthrough

Dead Island is an underrated first-person horror survival game which becomes completely trivialized once one of the heroes channels the power of Kenshiro. This mod was blogged about everywhere when it first came out, but I haven't seen any full playthroughs using it. I'm not sure how entertaining it is to watch after a while, but playing it felt satisfying most of the way through. I would have liked to have had Japanese dubs to make it feel more authentic, but the best I had was Russian. I've managed to configure my OBS settings so that it captures the full image without there being boarders. Now I just need to adjust the bitrate or something to create a clearer image, though I'm going to miss being able to record four hour videos that are under 2GB.