Thursday, May 28, 2015

They Deserve Each Other

Wray & Nephew is the infamous "Jamaican Rum" from the Joke Liquors chapter of Yagsalvania Is Decadent And Depraved, known as the worst rum IndridCold and I have ever experienced. If I were to write an updated list of joke liquors, Pitú would be the new #1. So it's no surprise that when I went looking for it at the liquor store, I found the two stocked next to each other.

Monday, May 25, 2015

MS-DOS Nostalgia: Super Muncher

With P.I.T. #12 suffering from a ludicrous amount of lost computers and general revisions, Risexual hasn't had any face time on this blog in, well... YEARS. So I thought, "How can I get him involved again?" I know! What about those Let's Play videos that were extremely popular four years ago and have since fallen to redundancy?

I mostly record my gameplay footage with my microphone turned off because, like 99.9% of the people who do Let's Plays, I'm simply not funny enough to engage you for more than a couple of minutes at best. But I figured if I have another person with me, we can at least be unfunny together... right?

I put our MST3K riff parodies on a semi-permanent hiatus until I could come up with a halfway decent audio set up. I'd say the microphone quality in this Let's Play is at least doubly improved from what we used to have, along with direct video capture to boot. Now, instead, we shame ourselves by taking forty five minutes to complete a single cycle of a children's educational game set to the easiest difficulty.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

That Guy Who Was 4/20 on 9/11

Sometimes I still like to break out Plasma Pong whenever I want to play games to music that gets more hype the better you do.

Friday, May 1, 2015