Friday, November 4, 2011

Bad Video Game Advice

I'm not really sure if this is content-worthy enough to actually be an LBC blog, but since I think Ryan will get a kick out of it I'll post it here.

I recently started replaying Project IGI again. It was a pretty solid FPS back in 2002, and it's worth noting that the engine allowed the game to render randomly generated landscapes where you could leave the level and keep walking forever. However, I wasn't able to run it very well on my Pentium 2 back then, so I'm trying it again now. Anyway, right now I'm stuck on a bullshit level and I went looking around for general advice to make me better when I found out the game actually has a Wikia site. I quickly began disregard its advice when I read this:

The SPAS-12 is a semi-automatic pump-action shotgun with a moderate reload-time, that must be pumped between shots and cannot be used at range. A single round can be lethal if used on nearby targets. 
  • You should only use it when you're in an enclosed area and there are one or two enemies in the room; the pumping between shots makes it very hard to take out three or greater enemies without sustaining major damage.
  • Don't even think about trying to snipe with the SPAS-12. 

... Here's me nailing a guy from like 100m away, killing him in one shot, which is more than I can say for anything that isn't the actual sniper rifle in the game. And, no, it's not a lucky shot. I use the shotgun for this all the time.

1 comment:

Persephone said...

I was gonna say.. I dont think this is content-worthy.. lol.

Whatever though.