“Strangely, it was the same thing you were asked to do.
Nothing. I was given a full, if outdated set of the basics of medicine, and
told to do nothing. I had to do some shit to get here, I’m sure you can relate,
but after all of that, the Hippocratic oath, well, it felt like all I had left.
“ he sounds a bit sad, but I also get a sudden smell, something I don’t like,
and as he tries to start a new sentence, the smell gets worse.
I try a hunch.
“ And?” I say in a tone that lets it be known I know some
form of lie is being told.
He thinks about it for a moment, and when he begins to speak
there is an edge to his voice, a dark edge, the same kind of tone I have heard
come from myself a few dozen times, the tone that says ‘This could go from
conversation to conflict really quickly, be careful where you tread.’.
“ I didn’t think I could do it. Whatever this horror show
is, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get to the end, and that, my friend is
what helps our merry band out there. I’m not… built like you, I can’t take a safe being thrown
from a building, I can’t rip someone’s arm off with one hand, I’m smart, and I
can make a damn fine shank out of anything long enough to stab, but that’s it.
I’m a doctor, not a warrior, and me dying wouldn’t help anyone. So I decided to
just bypass this game, and stay here, helping with the multitude of medical
issues that come from living in these conditions for so long. “
That smell dissipates, and I look to Carl.
“So you’re a coward, is what your saying?” I don’t even
think about this before saying it, it is more like a reaction than a sentence.
“Coward? If I was a coward I would have just poisoned you
long ago. You realize what happens if you win, right?” The response takes me
back a bit, and gains Carl a blank stare as opposed to a response.
“We are playing the same game right now, and from everything
I have seen, there is no second place. If you go the distance, those people out
there , they are going to be fine. Me? I’ll probably be ground to pulp and
spread around a field to hide the body. I’m not a coward , I just know my
limitations, and how I can actually do good. “ This revelation sucks the life
out of the room.
“Sorry… I just got a different impression.” I say morosely.
“If it makes you feel any better, I expected it. I actually
know a decent amount about you, last thing I read before coming here was a
report on you. “ At this point I can really tell he is a doctor, his reaction
is equivalent to if I were to shit on him during a rectal exam. Annoyed, but
not unexpected.
“I’m that famous?” I say, realizing we are probably on very
thin ice in regards to what I am being told.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” He says with a chuckle, “ There
are a dozen reports like that issued a day, people go missing, do stupid crap,
or some tech realizes that they can do a little more or a little less than we
thought, and we all have to be brought up to speed. That being said, I don’t
know, if there is anyone who could get through this funhouse, it would be you.
“ his wistful tone seems morbid when
I consider the effect that would have on
He walks across the room, and for a moment I think that he
was giving me one of his all too subtle clues to leave. But just about as I
rise from the chair he spins upon me, “Catch!” he says loudly, as a silver
projectile of some form hurtles toward me.
As I try and raise my right arm to catch it, I have a faint
realization that the vicious tube it has became , is not going to do all that
well at catching a small object. About half way through the motion though I
feel a very unpleasant shifting sensation, akin to a shoulder sliding back into
its socket. By the time I try, and fail to catch the coffee cup, my arm has
turned from the straw from hell, to a massive skeletal hand, fingers about a
foot and a half long, wickedly sharp, and made of that same yellowish chitin as
the tube.
“This might take some getting used to.” I say looking at ,
what is the second new appendage of the day.
Carl tosses me some blankets, and tells me to keep the arm
under wraps, no need to freak out the other members of our tribe. But as I
wandered down the hall, I realized this had became unnecessary.
Everyone stood around, holding some kind of makeshift
suitcase, a bedsheet , blanket, shirt, etc. holding their meager
possessions. And everyone had tears just
beginning to show in their eyes.
Ted himself is the closest one to the door, and is holding
the chain I brought with me out in one hand. I am confused, even moreso when he
breaks into a half cry half laugh and embraces me in a hug.
“We can leave.” He sobs, the chain digs a few small cuts
into my back as he does so, but I decide not to let a little spilled blood ruin
the moment.
“Really?” I say, wondering if this is a ruse , legitimate,
or something more sinister.
Speaker static starts for a moment.
“Ab-so-fuckin-lutely hoss. You have done your share of
nothing, and boy did ya do well. These folks get to go back to where they came
from, and you, Hoss, you only got one more step to go. “ the voice booms
through the speakers. “ Well, say yer goodbyes, I am sure these folks don’t
wanna be here any longer than they need.”
“Thank you.” Ted says simply, and walks away.
Each person in the group does the same, some crying, some
giving me the same kind of embrace as Ted, but without the physical damage, and
some happy, but still venomous towards me. It’s moving, this ordeal has been
about blood and guts, broken bones and bloody puke. But I realize that it is
more than that, really , these people are my family. They have been with me
through the worst, and if you only want to count what I can remember, the
As the last person leaves ( Ollie, who had to be literally
dragged away by his parents.) I almost follow them. But instead, I look back,
to Carl’s room, he sits in the chair, looking dazed, his mind far off
“Fuck, “ I begin, “ I don’t know how to feel about this.” I
say truthfully.
“Don’t feel bad for me, I made my choice, and I helped a lot
of people. I wasn’t the guy for the job, whatever in the various hells that job
is. But I was the guy for this job, and I did it well.” He lights a smoke, and
totally turns off his connection to reality, awaiting the horrid oblivion that
is no doubt on a bullet train to meet him.
With directions from the voice, I take myself and the chain
down a long corridor, ending in a thick steel door. I have enough time to take
in a few large breaths before it opens.
What I see is two large clear cells, one containing four
individuals in the center, and 2 in what appears to be a closet. The other is
similar, with the exception of the 4 being in the closet esque space, and 2
being in what could be called the main room.
“Real simple. On the left, you have 4 regular folks, good
folks, and two pieces of shit. On the right, 2 regular folks, and 4 pieces of
shit. This is just a choice hoss, no right answer, just what you want to do. Whoever
you don’t pick, they die. And you gotta convince them to let you do it.” The
voice says through speakers that actually sound a bit more technologically
sound than the others.
I actually relax a bit, compared to the rest of this garbage
, telling people they are going to die, is going to be a walk in the park, and
convincing, I am sure will be a breeze, looking like a nightmare tends to give
one a fair amount of ability to convince.
“And if I didn’t mention Hoss, I ain’t gonna be the one to
do the killin. That is all up to you.” As he says this my heart sinks. Either
way I pick, I am going to be killing innocent people, and its going to be a
terror filled last few minutes for them as they watch me rip into the other
members of their cage.
And I realize something, I can’t do it. Its not the death
that puts me off, I have seen plenty of that, but it is the method. I have no
issue with making the tough decision , but it is the terror that I will be
putting innocent folks through that is the barrier, I could kill the scum , in
fact I feel an almost irresistible urge to break into either cell and do that
now, but the innocents?
I sit against a wall, trying to collect my thoughts as two
groups of six people, try and convince me which group should live. It doesn’t
help me make a decision, in fact , it only makes it worse, watching those
people cling to the last bit of hope they have, just doesn’t sit right.
I walk down the thin pathway between the two cages, and come
to a brick wall, with a similar steel door to the one I came in. Outside ,
through a thin viewport I can see daylight, and I catch a whiff of clean, crisp
air. For a moment I lose myself, and as I see the mortar in the walls, it gives
me an idea.
I walk out to the room, “I’ve made my decision.” I say
loudly, looking upward. Then I make eye contact with the group on the right. “
No one is going to die.” I say pointing to the room beyond. “ If you guys trust
me, I have a plan. If we work together, we can loosen enough of those bricks to
take out the door, if we can do that, we can break out of here, and get to see
the owner of that voice, real up close and personal.”
The 6 people in the room go quiet for a moment, the 4 stuffed
in the closet look oddly similar. All dressed in black and gold themed
clothing, just south of being a uniform. All male, Hispanic, and rather angry
looking. The two in the larger area, one man and one woman look at me with
brimming hope.
Hope and revenge, two things that can make almost anyone
give up logic and reason.
I look up again , “ I’ve made my decision fuck-face.” I say
bitterly, looking to the occupants “ You with me?” they apply in the affirmative both
enthusiastically and quickly.
One glass panel falls to the ground shattering into a dust
of glass shards. And the occupants, scum and sheep alike slowly make their way
to me.
I start snapping lengths off of the chain as I walk to the
sealed door, handing each person one chain length, sporting a nasty barb.
“This is going to take a long time, but we can do it, I know
we can. I’m not letting this bastard win, again. “ I growl.
Over the next few minutes we make some brief introductions,
the 40ish people were a couple, Joanne, and Richard Cleensworth. The 4 men
members of a gang, as if it wasn’t readily apperant, the names they give me are
aliases, and eye rollingly macho ones on top of that. I refer to them as 1,2,3
and 4, both internally and when I need to speak to them.
The chain gives everyone 6 links, and as I see each person
sitting with their pile I realize that my plan is running on quite a few
Once the first bit of metal hits the first bit of mortar, a
steel door slides violently into place, locking us in the room. And so it
The first day goes by rather quickly, small piles of stone
dust collecting on the floor, the time is passed with censored conversations,
and spirits are generally fairly high. Estimates by the group put the time it
is going to take us to remove the bricks at about 2 days, at most. Everyone is
planning on a campfire over The Voice’s corpse within 48 hours.
The second day is when the wear is apparent. Hungry, sleep
deprived, and dehydrated, my companions work slows to a crawl. Richard is still
very optimistic, though his wife is the first and loudest dissenter. This leads
to a conflict between Richard and 1,2 and 3, 4 decided to stay out of it and
focus on the escape.
The third day involves a lot of passing out from Richard and
Joanne , 1,2,3 and 4 seem thin, but otherwise still able to work. Sometime in
the afternoon of this day I find myself face to face with Joanne.
“ This isn’t going to fucking work! We are going to fucking
starve to death in here, you fucking killed us, killed us!” she starts to slap
me, and Richard immediately comes over, thinking that his wife antagonizing the
7 foot man with a giant bone claw, is a recipe for trouble. I look at them
both, and talk very calmly and very slowly.
“I know this sucks, but it’s not going to suck any less if
we start going at each other’s throat. All it is going to do is turn a nearly
impossible situation into an impossible one. If there is one thing I know, its
stone, and it might take until we all are as thin as paper to do this, but it
can be done. All you have to do is trust me.” Joanne cries, but quickly comes
back to her senses.
“I’m… sorry, this is just all so…”
“Horrifying?” I finish for her
“Yes, it just gets to me. 4 days ago I was just minding my
own…” I stop her thought
“I know, me too, but we need to keep working.”
On day four we start to realize the horrors of living in a
small room with no sanitation. Even with a lack of food and water enough urine
and feces accumulates to give us a permanent sample of the smell, like the
worlds worst song stuck on loop. And it is on the fourth day where I really
start to see a physical difference between myself and my companions.
They look thin, emaciated, and generally out of it. Tiny
cuts bleed like missing limbs, and coughing turns into the soundtrack of our
adventure. I, on the other hand am hungry, very hungry, but otherwise dealing
The fifth day, everyone is down to 1 or two lengths of
chain, the rest having the spike worn away. There is no talking anymore, just a
dreary chorus of scraping stone, coughing, and the odd grunt as someone slips
and cuts their hand.
On the sixth day, excitement runs high, the first brick
moves , giving a tantalizing view of one of the hinges of the door, buried deep
in the wall. The party is short though, as 2 hours later we realize that Joanne
has died, her body simply shutting down quietly.
Day seven is the second brick and the second death, 4, dies
during the night. I am starving, but physically fine.
Day 8 , I wake up with only a single other companion.
Richard , in the world of the living. His last words to me before he never
talks again are, “You knew.”
And I did know.
As the door slides open, I feel a deep rolling pit in my
stomach at what I just did.
I knew that they wouldn’t last, and I knew for a fact, that
even if we had enough chain, it’d take us months to move enough bricks to get
the door out. It wasn’t an escape plan, it was a distraction. Instead of living their last seconds of life
in utter fear of me tearing them open , they spent it with at least a flicker
of hope, that maybe they would get out of there. Under the circumstances, it
was the most humane way I could get what needed to be done , done. Them
agreeing to let me kill them.
I don’t open my eyes when I step out of the steel door, I
just take in a large breath. The warm, fresh air filling my lungs feels better
than anything I can remember, and I mean that in a very literal sense.
I open my eyes and notice we are on an island, not very big
at all, but housing several squat buildings that look like they would be at
home on a military base. Far in the distance I can see a city, giant almost
impossible looking skyscrapers dominate the view.
From my right I hear something, and look to see , what I can
only assume is The Voice.
He stands about 6 feet tall, and has a hefty gut pressing
against a half buttoned plaid shirt, and straining the belt of a pair of
camouflage patterned pants. Below that ,
he wears what looks like a homemade graphic t-shirt, the cammo and the
buildings instantly make me think it is promoting some kind of weapons
manufacturer “SEX pistols” reads the part that I can see.
His hair is short and close, brown, and his eyes have a
gleam that speaks of great intellect and great insanity all vying for the same
brain. When he talks I recognize the voice, but gone is that country cousin
manner of speaking.
“I am sorry, but there was no other way.” He says
“No other way , for fucking, what?” I say, restraining
myself from just tearing pieces off of the man then and there.
“Come with me and I’ll tell you. “ he says walking toward a
small concrete building about 300 feet away.
He seems both elated and horrified, not so much by what he
says but by his body language, he can’t really meet my gaze, not out of fear,
the man seems confidant, but my best guess would be out of shame. The walk goes
silently as he punches in several series of numbers into a keypad unlocking the
door of the squat grey building.
The inside is nice enough, by my guess it is a small living
quarters for this man, who I can only assume is The Voice. A kitchenette is the
first thing to greet us , with an old, worn, but still well finished table as
its centerpiece. Behind that is a very short hallway leading to 2 doors that I
assume are a bed and bathroom, and off to the side is a television and tattered
“ Sit, I’ll get you something to eat.” He says trying to
sound casual. I do so and am surprized to find that the rickety old chair
actually supports my weight.
“So where do you want to start?” he says, as I hear some
plates clattering, and some packages being opened. I smell fresh blood and
meat, and my stomach growls.
“Why the fuck I am here?” I say curtly. My plan, at this
point is still to kill the man, but I damn well want to know why he felt the
need to put me through hell.
“Straight to the point eh?” he says as he puts a plate full
of raw rotting meat that doesn’t quite smell like beef in front of me.
“What the hell is this?” I say simply.
“Oh, I thought Sharps would have given you the run down.
Here it is, long story short, the reason your so hungry, so constantly, is that
your eating through the wrong orifice, and your eating the wrong things. In
addition to all the shit you’ve been noticing is different between you and the
average guy, you , in specific, have some additional, nutritional
requirements.” He seems to be dancing around something, a habit that I have
gotten sick of about 20 minutes after I was tossed into that sewer.
“Just take a big sniff and you’ll see what I mean.” He
I do, and as I feel the warm, slightly copper scent fill my
nostrils , my right hand jerks upward, whirling bone, like a jackknife turns
the long, fingers into the tube, and without any impetus from me, the thing
jams onto the plate, from the top down, shattering it. A few seconds later it
issues , literally, a bloody belch and fragments of porcelain.
“ I’m going to give you this.” He says tossing a folder onto
the table, well clear of the slight bloodstain. “ I highly suggest not reading
it, for a while at least. It tells you all about yourself, but at the moment,
you need to focus on who you are, not what you were. This you, the exact
combination of mental , physical and dimensional quirks that happens to be in
front of me, is what the world needs, trying to be who you were, isn’t going to
help.” As he says this I spit upon his advice and open the folder, the first
thing I see is a picture, the person is both instantly and barely recognizable
as me. One word sits on the page, in neat clerical writing, at the bottom of
the picture ‘Darkside’.
The man in the picture is thin, anorexically so, and his
eyes have a vacant glare that can only be described as animal. He wears a torn
tweed full length coat, and a pair of dirty cargo pants, his t-shirt has a
symbol I don’t recognize and one I do, one is an a, hastily written and circled
A, the other is a period. But as I look closer I see that it is obviously me,
the same horrid feeding tube coming from a torn sleeve of the coat, the same
facial structure, everything. With the exception of 80 or so pounds of muscle.
At this point I decide to listen, I close the folder, just
in time to see The Voice put down something else. This was a large book,
written on what seemed to be plastic covered pages, it looked made to bear
quite a bit of damage, and was attached to a length of chain.
“ This my friend, is your bible, “ he says, then looks at me
to see if I understand the reference, I do, and he continues , “ it is a
collection of every bit of knowledge I have gained, in regards to our situation
, don’t worry about hurting it, I’ve went through a lot of trouble making sure
the thing is damn near indestructible. But just like any important text, you
are going to need some help understanding it. And that is where I come in. “ he
smiles a bit, but it does nothing to relieve the tension.
“ So what is my situation?” I pronounce every word
carefully, I want to let this guy know he is on thin ice, and leading me by the
nose in giant circles is apt to get him killed.
“Complicated, that is what it is. “ He sighs, “ Well, let’s
start from the beginning, sound good?”
I nod, literally biting the inside of my mouth, when he
gives the response of “it’s complicated.”
“Believe it or not , this is going to be easier because you
don’t have many preconceptions about the way the world is supposed to work.
First off, I guess you should know who I am. They called my
pockets, real name Devon Highgate, and I have always had 2 things going for me.
The first, and in my opinion most important is that I am a smart son of a
bitch. And I am not just bragging here, when all is said and done , I’ve been
ranked within the top 100 scientists of our time. This let me have pretty much all the cash and
resources I needed to follow any line of research that caught my fancy.
The second thing that sets me apart from the ranks of
average men, well, it’s better if I show you.”
And as he says this, he opens his shirt, lifts up his
t-shirt, and spins a bit, showing me he is not hiding anything on his person.
Once this sinks in he reaches inside the baren shirt, and suddenly I am staring
down the barrel of a massive weapon, at least 4 feet in length , and half as
large as a human head in girth. There is a slightly red tinted crystal at the
front, and it hums with a low electrical charge.
“Where the hell did that come from?” I say. Even watching
the man the entire time from feet away, my mind doesn’t quite grasp what
“And that is a nice Segway into the second part of our
Where the hell is a good question. And one that I, honestly havn’t
answered for myself. Come for a walk with me.” He says walking out of the squat
building, but continuing his story.
“Well, years went by , I played a background, yet important
role in the affairs of the E.J.A… wait a minute you probably don’t know what
that is , do you?” He asks this as we pass a giant, well tended tree.
“No.” I say curtly.
“Well, there is a whole lot of people who are like us. Who
can do things, average folks simply can’t. Now, as far back as anyone can
remember, there has been …rules of engagement that those of us on the side of
good, and hell, a decent portion of those on the side of evil follow. And the
people who enforce that are the E.J.A.C Extra Judicial Agent Committee.
They are there to ensure folks like us, don’t just have our
way with the world. To make sure that law and order remain law and order, not
the whims of those who have the power to level a city block.
Even our criminals , who have an extra bit of force to
wield, by and large, follow some aspects of , the Toronto accord.
We call it the T.A. , and it was put in place sometime in
the early 20’s. Before that it was just up to individual E.J.A members to use
their best judgement as to what was helping the world, and what was holding it
under their thumb. And as you can probably guess, that got pretty bad.
Things were good, actually, almost no crime, which saved a
huge portion of the budget for most countries, leading to huge advances in
technology, problem was, you couldn’t smoke a joint without some guy in a cape flying
into your basement and alerting the authorities.
You have to realize, we have guys that can see anywhere they
want, guys who can read your mind, guys who can convince you to walk your own
ass down to the police office and turn yourself in, regardless of how little
you want to do that. When it comes down to us versus them, we will win, hands
down, every time.
The problem was, the 20’s was a time of change for us, it
was when the world started to realize that maybe we were a little too stringent
on the rules. But the problem comes in when the people enforcing the rules have
enough power to be damn sure the rules get enforced, how do you change laws
when simply by protesting, lets say, you can let some invasive prick comb
through your mind for each and every crime you may have committed, and get you
arrested on the spot.
Between 1920 and 1925 our prison population tripled.
And realistically, no one was doing anything wrong. People
might be protesting for , the right to own weaponry, or women to vote, nothing
wrong with that. But almost everyone has done something they can be arrested
for, so a little bit of effort on the part of some telepaths, and that giant
protest has been shrank down to a dozen people.
The economy tanked, and people were livid, it got so bad
that one in 4 people had at least been incarcerated for at least 30 day period.
And we are not talking scumbags, we are talking grandmothers who kept a pistol
under the bed, we are talking international delegates who happened to enjoy
sucking a dick or two in their spare time, people who just wanted to be heard,
who just wanted to enact some change.
And again, the problem was, those enforcing the laws, just
were not doing anything wrong, they were doing what they were intended to do,
stop crime.
So we passed the T.A, a set of rules as to when , where, and
how anyone like us can enforce the law.
Break the T.A, you become pretty hot on the E.J.A.C’s watch
list, keep doing it and you find yourself carted off to a prison , with walls
thick enough to keep you in, regardless of how many feet of concrete you can
punch through.
Even the criminal element
follow it to some extent. But , this is what sets up our problem.
Millennia of both sides agreeing to limit hostilities, let alone the rampant
success of the T.A. has had a massive impact on our society. “ He looks to me
as we reach another building, this one much more massive than the last, looking
like a giant warehouse, in that same utilitarian, grey brick style.
“You keeping up with this so far? Because its about to get
weird.” He says opening the door.
I am greeted with a massive array of electronic equipment
sitting on shelving twelve feet high, things ranging from radios to televisions
all with an eclectic mix of wires, glowing tubes, humming crystals, brass
gyroscopes , all seemingly putting of some kind of transmission, I catch a word
or two, but between the static and the thousands of devices vying for my
attention, I can’t make anything out. The noise isn’t deafening, but very,
rich, due to the sheer amount of barely audible gibberish coming from the
“I stumbled upon something, years ago, and I didn’t know how
big it was, for the longest time.
I placed a pocket radio into my “space” , that is what I
call wherever it is the things I conceal go, and when it came back I noticed
that every so often, no matter how nice the weather, I would get some odd
transmission. Didn’t think anything of it, actually took the batteries out and
just bought a new radio.
Then a week or so, the thing started playing kind of the
same thing, heavy static with barely audible babble underneath, without the aid
of actually being powered.
I knew there was something going on, so I experimented.
You could say I became obsessed, I turned in my 2 weeks
notice, and devoted my time to figuring out what in the hell was happening.
People called me crazy, but I knew that something was wrong, and I knew , as
well, that my power is a Class BU, which means that it is of moderate use, but
the kicker is , it also means it is unique. No one else, in the entire world
had access to this, it was a discovery that only I could make.
Over a couple decades, I started working with different
pieces of equipment, different materials, ways to get a clearer signal, and all
I have to say, is every time I did find something that even half worked, it
made no fucking sense.” He motions to a device that looks like a skinned stereo
system, with a spinning brass gyroscope balanced on a glowing green crystal.
“ You tell me how a gyroscope gives me better data
transmission, and I’ll give you my nobel prize.
I’ve sat in here longer than you would believe, gaining my
information in drips and drabs, I want to make it clear, I don’t have this
figured out yet, I am Thomas Edison trying to make a lightbulb with cotton
right now, but I’ve managed to gain some kind of insight , I hope.
First , one of the main premises you need to understand, is
that reality , in and of itself, does not contain every imaginable universe.
That premise in and of itself is flawed beyond belief, it is our way of trying
to make a complex problem even more complex, so that we can throw up our hands
in defeat.
And think about it for a second, that could never work,
because some things simply have no opposite to balance them out. Let’s say in
one infinite variation, you have the power to destroy every universe
imaginable, the urge to do it and the power to do it instantly. All well and
good, but something needs to balance that out, because as you can see the
universes are still here. But the polar opposite of that, is either not having
the ability to destroy any universes at all, or the ability and want to save
every universe.
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