Monday, August 27, 2012

Review: E L James' Fifty Shades of Grey, and Darker


I started reading this book without any information on it what-so-ever, until I got myself a copy of it. To my discovery, this book that everyone has been talking about, is actually an erotic novel. It is also fairly new, and part one of a trilogy. Last discovery but not least, there is an earlier version of it somewhere online. I'm not interested in checking it out but, with that being said I was hopeful for a hole-less story.

Reading the text:

I was eager to get to the bottom of this book, and with my book worm tendencies: I started reading it the moment I got it; just to get it started. I must say, it was a very smooth read. I would go and sit down intending to only read one chapter, to actually end up reading three. I think the some of the wording could have been better, like some of descriptive details. But hey! Each their own opinion.

The story:

So the story goes: An university student, Anastasia Steele, interviews a millionaire, Christian Grey, for her school's news paper. As he is one of the benefactor of the university, will be conferring the degrees at her class' graduation.

Anastasia is as innocent as they come, and is your typical independent and smart lady. Christian on the other hand, is a control freak with issues. Besides that, your typically guy. Undeniable attraction happens between the two, andddd yeah.


Okay, so this book makes me feel Bi-polar! Not because we are reading from Anastasia's point of view into discovering sex and all that. I'm talking the whole book. Like there were chapters I liked, and chapters I disliked. There were moments I enjoyed, and other moments that were just.. annoying or just plain awkward.

Another thing I noticed was the originality of the story. Some events, minor character traits, small details, and location all remind me of another book, (that I'm not going to mention), that disgusted me. BUT, on the flipped side, the author's own stuff was alright.

Now the main characters: Anastasia and Christian, they swayed back and forth with being relate-able characters, to not so much. More Christian, than Anastasia though. Christian, as I said, would be your typically guy. Like he actually remind me of a particular someone, but then, he would have this twist around and do things that wouldn't actually happen. The problem with Anastasia's character is that, she came off a little too perfect, and didn't have any flaws.

I can definitely  say that, this is not a love story. Sure, romantic things do happen, but considering what this was leading up to.... love was not concept here. Above all, I was hoping for this book to be darker.


I give this book 2 and half spankings out of 5 spankings. For making me Bi-polar and undecided if I really want to bother with the other books.


Yeah, quick little Google search, and stumble upon this. 

The Hollywood Reporter: Bret Easton Ellis wanted to write the screen play for 50 Shades.

Shades Darker: Opinion and Verdict.

So, I finally decided to read the second part of the Fifty Shades series. Hey! I got it at discount price.

Anyhow, remember all that stuff I said earlier? Well, turns out that my opinion on the first book, does NOT reach the second one. I'm basically saying it proves to be better. Like Anastasia has flaws now! And Christian's characters makes sense as well. And the author's writing is more of her own story. Is it darker? I guess it is by their own standards. (I guess my definition of darker borderlines with Horror... Hey! I like my romance horrors! xP)

After awhile, I don't why, (Besides the names) but Christian Grey in my mind started to be recognized as Christian Bale. When I think of Christian Bale, I think either of Bruce Wayne or Patrick Bateman. So, Christian Grey started coming off as Batman to me. Since we are reading from Anastasia point of view, when Christian went off to his own thing: That was when he went off to be Batman. xD

Another thing I've noticed is that, (As I mentioned, These books are in Anastasia point of view) The way it is written is that, Anastasia, has three conflicting side of her personality:Herself, Her Subconscious, and her, "Inner Goddess." Sound familiar? In Psychology, particularly Freud relating thinking, there is three sides to a person's personality: Ego, Super ego, and Id.
  1. Logical thinking; 
    1. Ego: Herself
  2. Moralistic thinking; 
    1. Super Ego: Her subconscious
  3. Instinctive thinking; 
    1. Id: Inner Goddess            
Unlike everything else, I thought what the author did there was pretty interesting. I don't think I've ever read a book with defined personality aspects emerged into one point of view.


Start over with Three good spankings out of Five good spankings.


There has been this buzzed going around how Fifty Shades will have a movie franchise. I think it's ridiculous, I really don't want to see this series to explode like Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, and so on, and so forth. It would just ruin it, making it lame and disgraceful. Yes, disgraceful.

But if it does turn into a movie I can also see that, Ian Somerhalder, from Rules of Attraction, and Vampire Diaries. (Also books that turned into viewing materials) to portray Christian Grey. As for Anastasia alot of people say, Angelina Jolie... I'm on the fence with that one though.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Quick & Painless Reviews: Binary Domain

The responses I've read about this game from other gamers was that it was your standard cover based third-person shooter, but with a good story. When I watched one of the cinematic trailers months ago, I became pretty excited, basically expecting Snatcher 2012. That said, I made a graph that basically explains the experience one would have if they played this game with the expectations I had:

It's about a 7.5/10. I hear it's starting to drop in bargain bins at this point. Definitely a title worth picking up at a cheap price.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Review: Kaori Yuki's Angel Sanctuary

In recent weeks I've lost my memory stick with all my word documents, power points, pictures, and music. In a sense I'm kind of fucked. Coincidentally, my old disks from 2006 have reappeared again, I was over joyed.

Anyhow, among one of these disks contains Angel Sanctuary: The three episode anime. Originally Angel Sanctuary is a twenty-six volume manga series written and illustrated by Kaori Yuki. The manga is basically about a very conflicted teenage boy, Setsuna Mudo, force into the realization by questionable characters, that he is the reincarnated organic angel Alexiel: Who started a rebellion against God. In pursuit of awaken Alexiel's spirit, certain individual's twisted agendas are revealed, and Setsuna is caught in the middle, as war flares up again between angels and demons.

And that is all I feel that I can't reveal about the series without spoiling it. But yeah, it is about a war raging against angels and demons.

I personally love the manga because, its has little bit of everything. It is, however, a little fucked up, but once you started reading you will be hooked. If you put aside the story line, you will notice that the comic panels are amazing, but together there were moments in the manga that were rather poetic and just great. Besides all that, I had a pretty good laugh too. So there is comic relief to all the seriousness. So, if you want to read it, you should read it. There is no other manga like it.

Now, for the three episode anime. I fucking hated it! The anime does not do it justice what so ever. The three episodes are clearly based on the first three volumes, and I found that whoever decided to make it an anime: Just ended up hacking and cutting a whole lot events, and somewhat important character for the beginning of the manga right out of it. If you were to watch the anime first, you will sit and probably be like, "What is Angel Sanctuary?" They don't tell you what it is, and I think it's totally ripped off. Honestly, I am glad the anime is only three episodes long.

Overall Angel Sanctuary, love it or hate it: Once you have finished reading it, (I do recommend the manga over the anime... clearly), it's going to stick with you. Just talking about it, I almost want to include some panels of my favourite moments and quotes, and even tell you guys who is my favourite character is, but.... I can't, not without spoilers.