Sunday, April 22, 2018

Quick & Painless Reviews: God of War

Apparently this is the best rated exclusive on the PS4 to date.

It's pretty good. I think I'd put GoW 3 above it due to how much more over-the-top it was. The initial boss fight with Baldur is probably the flashiest fight in the game; apart from one other giant boss, nothing really comes close. The ending is also kind of underwhelming. The last boss is pretty easy, and keeps you thinking there's something more, but it's just walking and cinematics from there on. It feels like I need to finish some side-quests to unlock a true ending, but who knows. Overall, the hype is a little too high. I'd say this game's closer to a 7.5/10. Despite the huge amount of effort you can tell the devs put into this game, the fun wavers, and it also drags on a bit too long with its multiple false endings. The combat's kind of lulzy too. If you min-max strength and just use the axe throw, you can cheese most of the fights throughout 60% of the game. I learned this from being way too stoned to do melee and parry during 4/20.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018