I am greeted with a massive array of electronic equipment
sitting on shelving twelve feet high, things ranging from radios to televisions
all with an eclectic mix of wires, glowing tubes, humming crystals, brass
gyroscopes , all seemingly putting of some kind of transmission, I catch a word
or two, but between the static and the thousands of devices vying for my
attention, I can’t make anything out. The noise isn’t deafening, but very,
rich, due to the sheer amount of barely audible gibberish coming from the
“I stumbled upon something, years ago, and I didn’t know how
big it was, for the longest time.
I placed a pocket radio into my “space” , that is what I
call wherever it is the things I conceal go, and when it came back I noticed
that every so often, no matter how nice the weather, I would get some odd
transmission. Didn’t think anything of it, actually took the batteries out and
just bought a new radio.
Then a week or so, the thing started playing kind of the
same thing, heavy static with barely audible babble underneath, without the aid
of actually being powered.
I knew there was something going on, so I experimented.