Monday, June 25, 2012

Pit Episode 11 : End Of Act 1

I am greeted with a massive array of electronic equipment sitting on shelving twelve feet high, things ranging from radios to televisions all with an eclectic mix of wires, glowing tubes, humming crystals, brass gyroscopes , all seemingly putting of some kind of transmission, I catch a word or two, but between the static and the thousands of devices vying for my attention, I can’t make anything out. The noise isn’t deafening, but very, rich, due to the sheer amount of barely audible gibberish coming from the devices. 

“I stumbled upon something, years ago, and I didn’t know how big it was, for the longest time.
I placed a pocket radio into my “space” , that is what I call wherever it is the things I conceal go, and when it came back I noticed that every so often, no matter how nice the weather, I would get some odd transmission. Didn’t think anything of it, actually took the batteries out and just bought a new radio.

Then a week or so, the thing started playing kind of the same thing, heavy static with barely audible babble underneath, without the aid of actually being powered. 

I knew there was something going on, so I experimented. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Quick & Painless Reviews: The Grey

First, IMDb's basic description of the plot:

After their plane crashes in Alaska, six oil workers are led by a skilled huntsman to survival, but a pack of merciless wolves haunts their every step. 

... And I'll try to make the rest as quick & painless as possible.

I'm sure if I came across the short story it's based upon first, I might have thought it was kind of neat. Perhaps it left a lot up to mystery, so that the reader could find his own assumptions that would rationalize what was going on, or maybe it at least didn't throw in a bunch of false data about wolves that hunt humans suddenly.

This movie, however, didn't cut it in suspense or action. For some reason, I made myself endure a tale about a bunch of Alaskan hard bodies that are reduced to whimpering children once they're forced to face the hardships that they should be used to already while living up there (sans plane crash). Finally Liam Neeson gets ready to fight an alpha male, kitting himself out to become the biggest badass possible, but then the movie ends during its only potentially redeeming scene.

5/10 on the shame scale.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

P.I.T. Episode 11 Part 3

“Strangely, it was the same thing you were asked to do. Nothing. I was given a full, if outdated set of the basics of medicine, and told to do nothing. I had to do some shit to get here, I’m sure you can relate, but after all of that, the Hippocratic oath, well, it felt like all I had left. “ he sounds a bit sad, but I also get a sudden smell, something I don’t like, and as he tries to start a new sentence, the smell gets worse.