Saturday, November 26, 2011

Old Revived Content

Now can be read here.


Persephone said...

I already heard all the stories, other than that Paul Hogan killed Elvis. *sigh*

Elvis didn't have a chance. lol.

leahjeanmarie. said...

..pft. banned. I was seventeen and you guys let me drink yag.
Your bad.

Risexual said...

Wow, first off, good writing, it has a real flow to it from one story to the next. And makes me think that we could do something in regards to some kind of media of this, show, movie, something.

Second, huge parade shit, but i just finished pit 8 ( about 15 minutes ago.) 12k + words.

Third, the only part that i think is integral you missed in the smell story, is that Logan and i were arguing. I hadn't gotten paid in a long time, and hadn't had a smoke in days, i got smokes, but had no lighter. Logan, like he often does, took the opportunity to fuck with me, and i was getting legitimately angry as he wouldn't let me use his lighter.

I love that bit, because even in full rage, the smell stopped me dead. I don't think i even asked for the lighter again.

Persephone said...

Oh boy, 12k.

Coopersville said...

inb4 I add four more years of stories to overcome the 12k+ challenge.

Risexual said...

Dude, this is legit awesome, my only suggestion would be to chunk it up into more paragraph form. I didn't know you were this good of a writer.

Also, the MST3K guys themselves recieved a lot of shit for some of their videos, and in the same vein as us. Nobody people who were involved got pissed, fans of films were livid ( zombie 3 is a good example.). But i agree, sometime during the next couple of weeks i want to give a legitimate shot to something with a higher standard of production, because i think you hit the nail on the head with the production values keeping the appeal down.

And as a defense, it was not so much fear, as my natural ability to talk my way out of any situation that caused the offer of fireworks. To quote The gunslinger " When he is in one of those moods, that man could talk the devil into setting himself on fire." ( which i quite literally did, lol.). As Team X-Treme will attest to i like a good throw down as much as the next guy, but manipulating folks into compliance is always easier and more satisfying to me.

Seriously though, i would post these as single posts to keep them fresh, as much as it shocks me ( only because i didn't know you liked writing, not because of any evidence of lack of skill.) this is at least as good, from a writing standpoint ( its an apples and oranges comparison otherwise.) as PIT and it would be a shame for my stuff to always be at the front, and this to be buried.

Coopersville said...

I'm actually notorious (in my own mind) for writing books, often about mundane crap. I've already written an autobiography that focuses on my experiences on the Internet from 1999-2005. Up until meeting the LBC, a large part of my social life took place on the computer. In a way, this blog is the sequel to that book.

When I feel this blog has reached completion, I'll probably re-post it on the top page and maybe even pimp it out on Facebook. Once we have a more iconic catalogue of content, I might create a menu for it as well.

I know the paragraphs can turn into chunks of text sometimes, but I'm intentionally writing it that way because I want every mini-story to have it's own little 'island'. It might pretentious on my part, but I wrote it how I want to read it: On the toilet, one paragraph at a time. It's basically the Reader's Digest of the LBC anyway.

Risexual said...

Keep it up man, and i still beg you to bump this, or something. Well written, interesting, and a good variety from my fiction.

Persephone said...

From my point of view, I actually wasn't too frilled to see that "9 Jeff Rick" seemed like the longest section in this post, or at least the first longest section.

On top of that, there is 6 official yagsalvanias in record. But, you only mention 2/3 of them. Like you didn't even mention how Logan regained the title for yagsalavania.

Anyhow, I think that is my only pickles with this.

Risexual said...

You know, since we have been doing so much talk about psa's , i was thinking we could take each chapter and do it in a psa fashion, re-enactments (humorous of course.), shit like that. It would be easy to do in a high quality fashion, what ya say?

Coopersville said...

Might be cool.

Coopersville said...

Yagsalvania is a pretty easy and safe one to begin with. I imagine we could start with that and see where it takes us.

Risexual said...

I was thinking the same for greenies, i think that one could be comic gold. I still hold to the theory a greenie is created when a single bacteria is ambitious enough to try and swallow a penny whole.

Risexual said...

You know i would almost say the bottle of obvious poison should get its own chunk. The best bit was when we tossed in all those disgusting halloween blood themed suckers, and it led it it being clear until shaken, then turning red ( or was it a grey-brown, i honestly forget.).

I still remember nigel being a combination of angry, and not understanding why he was angry, at it being drank. And our reaction of " What, it wasn't obvious it was poison, with the labels, and the pennies, and the batteries and whatnot?"

Persephone said...


Persephone said...


I remember you telling me about your New Years without Logan... but that was hilarious compared to your original verbal telling of that night.