Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Review: Kaori Yuki's Angel Sanctuary

In recent weeks I've lost my memory stick with all my word documents, power points, pictures, and music. In a sense I'm kind of fucked. Coincidentally, my old disks from 2006 have reappeared again, I was over joyed.

Anyhow, among one of these disks contains Angel Sanctuary: The three episode anime. Originally Angel Sanctuary is a twenty-six volume manga series written and illustrated by Kaori Yuki. The manga is basically about a very conflicted teenage boy, Setsuna Mudo, force into the realization by questionable characters, that he is the reincarnated organic angel Alexiel: Who started a rebellion against God. In pursuit of awaken Alexiel's spirit, certain individual's twisted agendas are revealed, and Setsuna is caught in the middle, as war flares up again between angels and demons.

And that is all I feel that I can't reveal about the series without spoiling it. But yeah, it is about a war raging against angels and demons.

I personally love the manga because, its has little bit of everything. It is, however, a little fucked up, but once you started reading you will be hooked. If you put aside the story line, you will notice that the comic panels are amazing, but together there were moments in the manga that were rather poetic and just great. Besides all that, I had a pretty good laugh too. So there is comic relief to all the seriousness. So, if you want to read it, you should read it. There is no other manga like it.

Now, for the three episode anime. I fucking hated it! The anime does not do it justice what so ever. The three episodes are clearly based on the first three volumes, and I found that whoever decided to make it an anime: Just ended up hacking and cutting a whole lot events, and somewhat important character for the beginning of the manga right out of it. If you were to watch the anime first, you will sit and probably be like, "What is Angel Sanctuary?" They don't tell you what it is, and I think it's totally ripped off. Honestly, I am glad the anime is only three episodes long.

Overall Angel Sanctuary, love it or hate it: Once you have finished reading it, (I do recommend the manga over the anime... clearly), it's going to stick with you. Just talking about it, I almost want to include some panels of my favourite moments and quotes, and even tell you guys who is my favourite character is, but.... I can't, not without spoilers.

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