Saturday, November 7, 2015

Quick & Painless Reviews: Spectre

A James Bond film that's such a by-the-numbers parody of itself, that it can't be spoiled, but if you're sensitive about spoilers, maybe don't read this yet.

 Spectre is about an incompetent assassin who can't operate a vehicle for five minutes, or shoot a few people without completely demolishing everything. An absolute jokester that can't even play around with a mouse without pointing his gun at it and tearing the place down. A film with the message "spying is still cool!" that has absolutely no spying.

Featuring a villian who, guess what, was behind the whole Daniel Craig saga, starting from his character's adoption. Someone so dastardly, despite only getting about 20 minutes of screen time. Just enough time to give two small speeches, perform sinus and brain surgery to zero effect, get blown up by a watch, then have his helicopter shot down with a pistol. A final boss defeated in two hits.

At least they brought back Oddjob. I mean Jaws. I mean Bane?

Spectre is Daniel Craigs 'Tomorrow Never Dies', and probably the most disappointed I've been with a sequel since Terminator 3.

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