Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog Updates

The LBC has passed its first year online, and now that we have a decent collection of content, I've added a "Feature Articles" menu to the side of the page for quick access to our main series of blogs. It's the thingy that looks like this:

Speaking of content: I apologize if it feels like we've been too review-heavy lately. The main intention of this blog was to focus on art and writing, and to have things like reviews be secondary. However, back in late April, I sustained a severe sprain to my left thumb, which belongs to my writing hand. This has greatly hindered my ability to hold a pencil, let alone draw anything. Recovery has been slow, but I now have what I estimate is about 75% of the mobility back in my thumb. I'm guessing/hoping that in a couple months I'll have full use of my left hand again and will be able to contribute more art to this website.


Persephone said...

Do you expect us to label our stuff?

Coopersville said...

If you want it to show up you should.