Tuesday, January 10, 2012

P.I.T. Episode 9

BACKGROUND: This report is to further look into the disappearance of E.J.A ( Extra Judicial Agent) Maxwell Pon, A.K.A. Darkside, Mosquito.
This agent feels that some background information in regards to the life of Maxwell ( hereafter referred to as Darkside, Mosquito, or Max, dependant upon identity at the time.) , is appropriate to give some insight into a situation that has , up until this point gone fairly unnoticed.
As most know Max was the son of Rae Pon, and Terak unit #x367. Though not the first incident of cross species breeding , Max was one of the first, and in the opinion of many one of the “successful” progeny created between Terak and human. (As we are all familiar with Simon Deacon, A.K.A Gravedigger, I do not believe a discussion of failed progeny is necessary.)
Much focus is placed on Max’s father, but in the opinion of this agent, Rae Pon , A.K.A Samurae’s genetics should not be discounted in regards to the ability, personality, or life of Max.
It has been theorized that above and beyond being in E.J.A category 2 (For all those who choose not to keep up on internal memoranda, the most recent definition of this level is between 150 and 225 % of average human strength, with no obvious abilities beyond that of a standard human.) Rae also possessed some form of minor shape shifting. This point of view is strengthened when one realizes that Rae was born in the state of Hawaii , to Hawaiian parents, yet all phenotypic traits displayed are that of the Japanese. It has been argued that her choice of identity has influenced this, but the facts remain from a phenotypic standpoint, despite having no Japanese heritage, Rae has and continues to display phenotypic traits of the Japanese.
Unit x367, was a typical Terak, stranded after the Terak war, and like many of his kind, chose to make a life on earth, and engage in the activities of an E.J.A. His physical stature was approximately 7 feet, ( again, due to the age of the Terak war, and the ensuing purges of the Terak, some reading this may very well need a refresher on the physical characteristics of the Terak. In short, as I do not feel the need to re write the copious volumes on the Terak, remember their bodies are comprised mainly of absorbed creatures, mainly these will be the Krent, the creatures the Terak have traditionally chosen to parasitize. Reason being, the Krent’s abundance of chitin. ), and the distinguishing deviation ( term for the absorbed parts in regards to Terakian anatomy. ) for unit x367 was two large, prehensile chitinous appendages, commonly used by x367 in combat for both stabbing, and grappling.
Max’s childhood was an eclectic mix of Terak and Japanese warrior culture. (As it seems I am the only one who keeps up on Terak culture, I will note , for the ease of the reviewing agents, that it consists mainly of a predisposition to polarization. Neither good nor evil is frowned upon, moderation, can be said to be the ‘evil’ of Terak culture.) And unlike most Terak hybrids, Max was found to retain the Terak ability to absorb other multi cellular creatures. Though to a much lesser extent. (this will be further explained later in the report.)
This lead to an interesting situation, in which unit x367 actually stole a Krent from the Chicago laboratory, in order to further keep Max ingrained in the Terak culture. So much so, that Max is the only known hybrid to have successfully (If not to as great of an extent as a true Terak.) completed the Ka’methar (It can be thought of as the Bar-mitzvah of Terak culture, in which a Terak first absorbs a Krent.).
His absorption of the krent manifested in his right arm becoming a highly chitenous , secondary ingestion orifice. Beyond allowing him to consume and absorb some of the traits of a multi cellular creature, it had shown itself to be effective in both offensive and defensive combat. And seemingly at will Max had the ability to use it as a functional appendage , or ingestion orifice , via a quick re arranging of the bones and organs contained in the arm. Though this process seemed very unpleasant for Max.
As we all remember from a few decades ago Max became an E.J.A at a young age, taking the name Mosquito, and garbing himself in a red themed ensemble , generally acting as a companion or “sidekick” to older E.J.A’s. Though after his second year of this, he joined the group “Schoolyard”, consisting mainly of younger E.J.A’s.
Having a rather charismatic personality, coupled with the slightness of his transformation ( at this time, the only manifestation was that of a small sharp proboscis on the right arm, full transformation did not take place until much later.) made him somewhat of a fad. And I am sure no one will disagree with this, as anyone reading this, more than likely has boxes of Mosquito toys, comic books, etc. From their own children.
Unfortunately for Max, with the onset of puberty came the onset of more Terakian physical and personality traits. He became highly territorial, confrontational, and in the opinion of this agent, insane. The appearance of his now well known right arm, did nothing to help this, and due to image concerns he was ejected from “ Schoolyard”.
After the ejection, Maxwell had chosen the identity Darkside, consisting of a rather unimpressive mix of thrift store clothing, covered by a rather large trenchcoat, to partially hide the Terak right arm. He attempted to continue work in new York, but he found himself in consistent conflict with other E.J.A. , as he became increasingly more feral and territorial.
At this point I would like to give an opinion. And that is that his upbringing is the only thing that stopped a transition from E.J.A to criminal.
After several large scale incidents that almost caused his E.J.A. status to be revoked, Darkside then moved to Michigan, and took domain over a small town, Archibald. It is worth noting that he developed an unhealthy obsession with a local religious figure “Brother sid” and to a greater extent his sister “ Marie Sidel”. Though that is a situation that would require its own report.
While not impressive, during this time, it can be said that Darkside was a benefit to society. His encounters with empowered criminals were scarce, but he made himself useful in destroying “regular” crime. Though in a manner that pushed the boundaries of the Toronto Accord quite a bit. And after 5 years managed to completely eradicate a methamphetamine epidemic that was plaguing the town.
Unfortunately , due to his territorial nature, Darkside was brought into conflict with E.J.A’s Gattling ( A.K.A. Hank Green.) and Morose ( A.K.A Eric McGuiness.). Both Gattling and Morose were attempting the capture of E.C. Mesmer, who had , at this time, managed to gain control of a large number of civilians and was fleeing, as to Mesmer’s plan, little is known. But it has been theorized, that he was attempting to cause this very conflict. In the opinion of this agent that is not a likely scenario.
During the start of the encounter between Gattling, Morose, and Mesmer, Mesmer set the bus full of civilians to collide with a city bus. This I do believe was intentional to bring Darkside into the fray, Mesmer being a rather fine tactician ( despite his moral failings) would have seen this chance to cause havoc , and possibly escape, in this agent’s opinion of course.
Little is known for sure about the next series of events, pieces put together from the reports of both Gattling and Morose , and some eye witness accounts, but either Darkside purposely crashed the bus Mesmer set in motion ( if one is to believe Gattling and Morose.) , or chose to save the bus full of people from Archibald with little concern for the other bus. ( if one is to believe the eye witnesses.)
Something about this infuriated Gattling, ( from a personal interview, it was the fact that the bus Mesmer had set in motion, had 3 times the people of the other bus. Personally, I would blame Gattling’s personality just as much as any errors on Darkside’s part.) , causing him to fire upon Darkside (For anyone new, Hank posses the ability to mitigate vibrations. Leading to, among other things, his ability to fire any weapon at any rate of fire, while maintining almost pinpoint accuracy at the effective range. Unfortunately , as we will see, Hank is no longer a field agent due to injuries sustained during this encounter.).
A battle ensued, in which Darkside, to his credit, attempted to fight in a non lethal fashion, and even escape at one point. But the combination of Gattling, and Morose ( For those unfamiliar with Eric, he can convert his physical pain into mental stress and project this to an enemy. Creating effects ranging from rage to cowering in fear.) escape was not possible.
A burst from gattling caused an explosion at a nearby gas station, killing 2 people and injuring 8 more. This caused darkside to attack gattling with more fervor, eventually subduing him, and despite the best efforts of Morose, darkside proceeded to break all Gattling’s limbs in such a way that all bones in his body with the exception of the skull and collar bone were riddled with spiral fractures. These wounds never healed ( and even our best medics say, never could have healed.) properly, leaving Gattling with twisted, semi functional limbs. Due to this injury, Gattling now works as an instructor, as walking, let alone firing a weapon in combat is no longer possible.
This incident, caused us to send out an E.J.A. Judicial committee to review Darkside’s actions, this caused Darkside to go underground, and while we indeed could and did track him. It was thought better to let sleeping dogs lie, versus take a chance of another incident causing the death of civilians.
After approximately 6 months though, Darkside dropped off our radar’s. And no venue of attempting to find him, normal, psychic, or otherwise, has yielded any results.
SUGGESTED ACTIONS: Some may think this is simply the disappearance of a second rate E.J.A who caused conflict , it is the opinion of this agent that there is more to this issue than meets the eye. How did he manage to suddenly give our organization the slip? Who could have possibly helped him? And how did a person who has a biological imperative ( as opposed to just a morality, which we know can be changed and manipulated.) to commit good acts, simply ignore this for so long?
These are all questions that we need to ask ourselves in regards to this disappearance.
CONCLUSION: It is the opinion of this agent that further research into the location, and circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Darkside, be done. Not only is it disconcerting to think of an E.J.A of that level of power running unwatched, ( despite claims to the contrary, this agent feels that Darkside only seemed somewhat underpowered due to his circumstances. ) but to think that there is an organization that has the ability to hide someone well enough that we cannot find them, is a thought that nearly demands further attention.


Coopersville said...

Heh... aliens, what?

Risexual said...

Indeed, something to get people thinking, not that it is the biggest mystery in literature to figure out, but i hope i am being sly enough that the cat isn't out of the bag yet.

From a structural standpoint, this was supposed to give a clearer view, that we are not dealing with the same "worlds" for lack of a better term , in all stories.

Risexual said...

As well, as much as i love Mike, i felt the need to make sure that P.I.T. doesn't turn into " The mike show", as much as he is integral, the story is about everything, not just what is going on in Mike's corner of reality.